Home Beauty Five Exercises That Keep Your Skin Fresh

Five Exercises That Keep Your Skin Fresh


A glowing skin typically results from healthy food and multivitamins consumption. But that is sure as hell not the only way to perfect skin. For a defined and muscular body, you end up needing tons of equipment but lifting and shaping the facial muscles isn’t that hard. In fact, it isn’t hard at all! I’m going to describe you five exercises for your face that keep your skin fresh and change the way your face looks. The blood circulation through your face can significantly improve the glow of your skin and the way it appears.

Exercises to Keep Your Skin Fresh

Get Rid of The Eye Bags

Are you tired of the puffy eyes with droopy lids? Fret not, because I’m going to give you a solution that requires no serums or equipment and you should be able to get rid of your eye bags in no time at all. All you have to do is, put your middle fingers in the inner brow corners. And at the same time, you have to apply some pressure at the outer edges with your index fingers. After that, you have to squint while looking up and then relax. It is advised to perform this activity five times.

keep your skin fresh

Tightening The Neck

Even if you have never had the double chin, neck muscles tend to get loose over the time. To tighten them up, you must include some facial exercises in your routine. This is especially rejuvenating for the skin and give it a healthy glow! Turn your head to a side and raise your chin up, now you have to press your tongue’s tip against your mouth’s roof . Staying in the same position, try smiling and swallowing. Soon change the side and repeat the motion. This exercise is also beneficial.

exercises that keep your skin fresh

Lift Up the Cheeks

I love the lifted cute rosy cheeks, but there are nonsurgical ways of lifting up your cheeks, in case you never knew. I’ll explain to you an exercise which will help make your face better. For this exercise you have to pucker up your lips and make the fish face like you used to when you were a child. After that, you have to try to smile while keeping your mouth in the same position. At first, this might seem hard, but then you’ll get used to it. This exercise might leave your cheeks feeling sore and hurt but just like the body gets painful in the beginning your facial muscles would too.

exercises that keep your skin fresh

Smooth Down the Skin

Glowing skin without fine lines is an ultimate obsession for women, to help smoothen the skin try this facial exercise. Cover your teeth with your lips and then make an O shape with your mouth and then try to smile while keeping the teeth hidden behind your lips. Repeat this for about five times, then do the same while adding a finger on your chin, put your index finger underneath your chin and tilt your head up and down.

I’m confident that this exercise would help to keep your skin fresh.

Author Bio: Ida Jones is a mother of two little ones. She enjoys home-based workouts, cardio exercises, and long runs. She loves spending her vacations outdoors with her kids around nature. She believes in clean and healthy eating. She regularly writes about fitness tips and much more at Fitness Grit.


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